Sudan Tapes Archive is an archival initiative that seeks to preserve Sudan’s sonic imprint through the digitization of Sudanese cassettes and media. Sudan Tapes Archive strives to honor our collective memory, and most critically: connect Sudanese people across geographies to one of the world’s richest, most eclectic and precious musical traditions.
أرشيف الأشرطة السودانية هو مبادرة أرشيفية تهدف إلى الحفاظ على التراث الموسيقي السوداني من خلال رقمنة أشرطة الكاسيتات. يسعى أرشيف الأشرطة السوداني إلى تكريم ذاكرتنا الجماعية ، والأهم من ذلك: ربط السودانيين عبر العالم و الاجيال بالتراث الموسيقيي السوداني
Haneen Sidahmed is a Sudanese-American multimedia artist and archivist based in the West coast. Their archival work and art are intimately entwined, both of which explore the intricacies & contradictions of the Sudanese diasporic experience. They established the Sudan Tapes Archive in April 2020 and currently lead all digitization, archiving and artistic direction for the initiative. To learn more about them, visit their website.